Shawn Little of Essex, Montana
– owns and operates Snowy Springs
How Snowy Springs Started
Shawn Little is the owner of Snowy Springs Outfitters. Growing up with horses and with the mountains of Montana surrounding him, Shawn and his family went on pack trips during the summer and each fall went on extended hunting trips. Once grown, Shawn had a variety of jobs, then settled on being a taxidermist. This came easy to him as he had so much experience seeing animals in their natural habitat. But the longing to spend more time in the mountains soon turned his thoughts to becoming and outfitter and providing a service to all to see the wonderful wilderness of our nation. He had even given up a successful high school football career because it interfered with his hunting.
Becoming an Outfitter
Shawn and his stepfather Phil began researching backcountry permits and found one on the market that appealed to Shawn. With a meeting of business associates, including his mother Mary Margaret and Phil, Snowy Springs was born. We are honored that one of these associates was renowned western artist Fred Fellows who was generous enough to provide the Snowy Springs logo. Shawn then began the process of obtaining an outfitter’s license, which was not an easy chore. He took tests, clawed his way through red tape and came out a licensed outfitter in the State of Montana.